Financial Growth Partners

Financial Growth Partners


Financial Advisors/Services

About Us

Financial Growth Partners, established in 1862 and redesigned in 2022, stands at the intersection of a rich historical legacy and contemporary innovation, driven by empathy to meet the evolving needs of today's consumers. Within a span of just one year, our firm has nearly doubled in size, driven by a strong vision of horizontal growth to cater to the demands of the communities we serve. We project further expansion to reach 500 associates by 2033.

At Financial Growth Partners, we have a deep-rooted belief in the power of human potential. We strive to empower our clients, encouraging them to take ownership of their financial journeys and become the heroes of their own stories. Our approach is not just about transactions. It's about fostering genuine connections and serving our clients with unwavering fiduciary responsibility. When you succeed, we succeed. We value authenticity, vulnerability, and transparency, and we are committed to building lasting relationships that transcend generations.

As a national financial planning firm with offices in the Mid-Atlantic region, we are in constant motion, embracing a culture of continuous learning, growth, and innovative thinking to reshape traditional practices. Our focus transcends long-term goals as we prioritize addressing current pain points. We communicate with our clients using a ''you'' rather than ''we'' approach, employing storytelling instead of industry jargon. Our ultimate aim is to make a positive impact on the lives of all those we interact with.


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Jenevieve Lenz MBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Caroline Morris, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, RICP®
Managing Director